We are a consultancy
of relationship strategies
specialized in
for B2B, B2C and B2E.
What is your brand's relationship strategy?
Brands are connected to humans.
Humans relate with other humans and brands.
We assist brands on triggering the aspects of human motivation to generate business results.
Exceed your own expectations.
A recurrent “extra brain” to support program managers and their teams assessing current results and opportunities.
ideas into strategies
Aim at your core brand necessities to get tangible results. We can support or fundament your ideas, help you enhance or revamp ongoing strategies and reduce risk or prevent disasters.
Ensure your next RFP will take you where you need to be. We can help you fine tune your idea prior on pitching it to the solution providers and rely only on their expertise or strenghths to make it viable.
proof of concept
The plan is ready but you need to evaluate results prior on commiting to a full scale?
We will help you find ways to execute and measure it.
Are you accessing the full potential of your relationship strategy?
EMEA: +351-912.368.562 (Lisbon, Portugal)
AMER: +5511- 989.187.207 (São Paulo, Brazil)